with Bark.
The Full Story
I am Bark.
I am an intuitive teacher, women's circle facilitator, healer, artist and storyteller. A mother of two awesome young men, a spiritual seeker, an intuitive, an explorer, a nature-lover, a fan of good coffee and great red-wine, a beliver in the healing power of deep conversations and scared spaces.
I was born with a very strong intuition and have always been able to read people's energy and sense what is going on in their lives and how they are coping both psychically and mentally.
For me, meeting other people has been the greatest gift life could give me. And my life experience has shown me, that what truly matters is that we always strive to treat others with kindness. That the intention always is love. That we try to see the gifts in our experiences – even the ones which don’t feel good. Because the gift is always there. Sometimes we just don’t recognize it until much later.
As I have grown older and learned to always trust the deep intuition I was born with, I became more and more interested in the spiritual part of life. I now know, that any answer we will ever need already exists inside us – sometimes we have just forgotten our souls knowledge. Our deep inner wisdom.
I grew up in the country and have always had a close connection with nature but over the years my bond has grown stronger and I have experienced a strong pull towards sisterhood, circle work and the feminine power and our connection with everything that came before us. Women are strong, creative, amazingly intuitive and holds great power and healing for the world. It is time we find our way back to nature, to our hearts and souls and live as the strong powerful nurtures of life that we are.
Having traveled the road I have, I know without a doubt that my path in life is to support other women as they heal and find their way back to living authentic lives based in intuition, love, and the ancient power of the feminine, so we can help restore the balance between the masculine and the feminine in the world and heal ourselves and Mother Earth. Women hold unique spiritual powers as we are the ones gifted with birthing life from the spiritual world to Earth.
In my work I mainly draw on my studies of archetypes, shadow work, collective consciousness, mother wound and inner child work, ancestral healing, balancing the feminine and the masculine within ourselves, shamanic practices and most of all my intuition.
If you feel called, I invite you to join me in reclaiming our inner wisdom.
step forward beautiful soul!
big, big love,
— Bark.
The meeting with another human being…
…is about being present; about being fully in the here and now, in this very moment.
To see, hear, sense and understand –
what the other person carries in their heart, what is important in her life
what his challenges are,
what she dreams about – what he longs for.
What his fears has taught him and what her intuition has shown her.
To see her. Really see him — and to hold sacred space.
That is where the connection happens.
Creating scared circles both online and in-person for women to share their journey.
Share my knowledge, intuitive wisdom and love of circle work by being present and creating deep meaningful content that serves their journey.
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Creating sacred spaces and support for women to find their way back to authentic aliveness and intuitive wisdom.
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